Logical Functions

The functions have been grouped by category, to help you to find the function you need. Each function link provides a full description of the function, with examples of use and common errors. Note that some of the Excel functions listed below are new to Excel 2013 or Excel 2016, so are not available in earlier versions of Excel.

Boolean Operator Functions


Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if ALL of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, or FALSE otherwise.


Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if ANY of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, or FALSE otherwise.


Returns a logical Exclusive Or of all arguments (New in Excel 2013).


Returns a logical value that is the opposite of a user supplied logical value or expression (i.e. returns FALSE is the supplied argument is TRUE and returns TRUE if the supplied argument is FALSE).

Functions returning binary value


Returns the logical value TRUE.


Returns the logical value FALSE.

Conditional Functions


Tests a user-defined condition and returns one result if the condition is TRUE, and another result if the condition is FALSE.


Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns an error, and if so, returns a supplied value; Otherwise the function returns the initial value. (New in Excel 2007).


Tests if an expression returns the #N/A error and if so, returns an alternative specified value; Otherwise the function returns the value of the supplied expression. (New in Excel 2013).

Tests a number of supplied conditions and returns a result corresponding to the first condition that evaluates to TRUE. (New in Excel 2019).

Compares a number of supplied values to a supplied test expression and returns a result corresponding to the first value that matches the test expression. (New in Excel 2019).

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