Information Function

The functions have been grouped by category, to help you to find the function you need. Each function link provides a full description of the function, with examples of use and common errors. Note that some of the Excel functions listed below are new to Excel 2013 or Excel 2016, so are not available in earlier versions of Excel.

Error Information Functions

Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns an error and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise returns FALSE.
Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns an error (EXCEPT for the #N/A error) and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise returns FALSE.
Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns the Excel #N/A error and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise returns FALSE.
Tests a supplied value and returns an integer relating to the supplied value’s error type.

Numerical Information Functions

Tests if a supplied value is a number, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied number (or expression) is an even number, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied number (or expression) is an odd number, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Converts a non-number value to a number, a date to a serial number, the logical value TRUE to 1 and all other values to 0.

Function Returning a Constant Value

Returns the Excel #N/A error.

Other Data Type Functions

Tests if a supplied cell is blank (empty), and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied value is a logical value, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied value is text, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied value is text, and if it is NOT, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied value is a reference, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Tests if a supplied cell contains a formula and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE (New in Excel 2013).
Returns information about the data type of a supplied value.

General Information Functions

Returns information about the contents, formatting or location of a given cell.
Returns the sheet number relating to a supplied reference (New in Excel 2013).
Returns the number of sheets in a reference (New in Excel 2013).
Returns information about the current operating environment.