OFFSET() Function

The Excel OFFSET function returns a reference to a range constructed in parts: a starting point, a row and column offset, and a final height and width in rows and columns. OFFSET is handy in formulas that dynamically average or […]

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ROWS() Function

The Excel ROWS function returns the count of rows in a given reference. For example, ROWS(A1:A3) returns 3, since the range A1:A3 contains 3 columns. Syntax The syntax for the ROWS function in Microsoft Excel is: =ROWS ( reference ) […]

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ROW() Function

The Excel ROW function returns the row number for a reference. For example, ROW(C5) returns 5, since C5 is the firth row in the spreadsheet. When no reference is provided, ROW returns the row number of the cell which contains […]

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COLUMNS Function

The Excel COLUMNS function returns the count of columns in a given reference. For example, COLUMNS(A1:C3) returns 3, since the range A1:C3 contains 3 columns. Syntax The syntax for the COLUMNS function in Microsoft Excel is: =COLUMNS( reference ) reference […]

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COLUMN() Function

The Excel COLUMN function returns the column number for a reference. For example, COLUMN(C5) returns 3, since C is the third column in the spreadsheet. When no reference is provided, COLUMN returns the column number of the cell which contains […]

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AREAS() Function

The Excel AREAS function returns the number of areas in a given reference. For example, =AREAS((A1:C1,A2:C2)) returns 2. Multiple references must be enclosed in an extra set of parentheses. Syntax The syntax for the AREAS function in Microsoft Excel is: […]

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Formulatext() Function

The Excel FORMULATEXT function returns a formula as a text string from given reference. You can use FORMULATEXT to extract a formula as text from a cell. If you use FORMULATEXT on a cell that doesn’t contain a formula, you’ll […]

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