YEAR() function

The Excel YEAR function returns the year component of a date as a 4-digit number. You can use the YEAR function to extract a year number from a date into a cell or to extract and feed a year value […]

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MONTH() function

The Excel MONTH function extracts the month from a given date as number between 1 to 12. You can use the MONTH function to extract a month number from a date into a cell, or to feed a month number […]

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DAY() function

The Excel DAY function returns the day of the month as a number between 1 to 31 from a given date. You can use the DAY function to extract a day number from a date into a cell. You can […]

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Time() Function

The TIME function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Date/Time Function. It allows you to create a time with individual hour, minute, and second components. It returns a decimal number between 0 and 0.999988426 given […]

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Date() function

The DATE function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Date/Time Function. It converts a supplied year, month and day into an Excel date. It is useful for assembling dates that need to change dynamically based […]

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WeekDay() Function

The Excel WEEKDAY function takes a date and returns a number between 1-7 representing the day of week. By default, WEEKDAY returns 1 for Sunday and 7 for Saturday. You can use the WEEKDAY function inside other formulas to check […]

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WeekNum() Function

The Excel WEEKNUM function takes a date and returns a week number (1-54) that corresponds to the week of year. The WEEKNUM function starts counting with the week that contains January 1. By default, weeks begin on Sunday. Syntax The […]

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Second() Function

The Excel SECOND function returns the second component of a time as a number between 0-59. For example, with a time of 9:10:15 AM, second will return 15. You can use the SECOND function to extract the second into a […]

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Minute() function

The Excel MINUTE function extracts the minute component of a time as a number between 0-59. For example, with a time of 9:45 AM, minute will return 45. You can use the MINUTE function to extract the minute into a […]

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Hour() function

The Excel HOUR function returns the hour component of a time as a number between 0-23. For example, with a time of 9:30 AM, HOUR will return 9. You can use the HOUR function to extract the hour into a […]

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