IFNA Function

The Excel IFNA function is a simple way to trap and handle #N/A errors specifically without catching other errors. The IFNA function returns a custom result when a formula generates the #N/A error, and a normal result when no error […]

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Not Function

We can use the NOT function to reverse a logical value. The NOT function returns the opposite of a given logical or Boolean value. For example : If supplied with the value TRUE, the Not function returns FALSE; If supplied […]

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Xor Function

The XOR function performs what is called “exclusive OR”. With two logical statements, XOR returns TRUE if either statement is TRUE, but returns FALSE if both statements are TRUE. If neither is TRUE, XOR also returns FALSE. Syntax The syntax […]

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True Function

The Excel TRUE function returns the Boolean value TRUE. The TRUE function is classified as a “compatibility function”, needed only for compatibility with other spreadsheet applications. There is no need to use TRUE() if you are creating a spreadsheet in […]

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False Function

The Excel FALSE function returns the Boolean value FALSE. The FALSE function is classified as a “compatibility function”, needed only for compatibility with other spreadsheet applications. There is no need to use FALSE() if you are creating a spreadsheet in […]

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If Function

The IF function runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. For example, to “pass” scores above 60: =IF(A1>60,”Pass”,”Fail”). More than one condition can be tested by nesting IF functions. […]

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Ifs() Function

The IFS function can run multiple tests and return a value corresponding to the first TRUE result. Use the IFS function to evaluate multiple conditions without multiple nested IF statements. IFS allows shorter, easier to read formulas. Syntax The syntax […]

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