Minute() function

The Excel MINUTE function extracts the minute component of a time as a number between 0-59. For example, with a time of 9:45 AM, minute will return 45. You can use the MINUTE function to extract the minute into a cell, or feed the result into another function like the TIME function.


The syntax for the MINUTE function in Microsoft Excel is:

=MINUTE( serial_number )

Parameters or Arguments


The time value to extract the minutes from. This may be supplied to the function as either:

  • A decimal (serial number) representation of an Excel time;
  • A text representation of a time;
  • A reference to a cell containing a time;
  • A time value returned from another Excel function or formula.

Note that, if the serial_number argument contains a date and time, the Minute function ignores the date part of the argument.


The MINUTE function returns a numeric value between 0 and 59.

Minute Function Examples

Four examples of the Excel Minute function are shown in column B of the following spreadsheet.



Minute Function Error

If you get an error from the Excel Minute Function, this is likely to be the #VALUE! error:

#VALUE! – Occurs if the supplied serial_number is not a valid Excel time.