Concatenate() function

The Excel CONCATENATE function concatenates (joins) join up to 30 text items together and returns the result as text. The CONCAT function replaces CONCATENATE in newer versions of Excel.


The syntax for the CONCATENATE function in Microsoft Excel is:

=CONCATENATE( text1, [ text2, ... text_n ] )

Parameters or Arguments

text1, text2, … text_n

The strings that you wish to join together. There can be up to 255 strings that are joined together, up to a maximum of 8,192 characters.

Concatenate Function Examples

Example 1 – Concatenating Simple Text

The Concatenate function is used in column C of the following example spreadsheet, to join together the text strings in columns A and B.



Note that, in the examples above, a space (encased in quotes) has been added to separate the forename and surname.

Example 2 – Concatenating Dates

The Concatenate function is used in cell D2 of the following example spreadsheet, to join together the text strings in cells A2 & B2 and the date in cell C2.



Note that, in the example above:

– A space has been added to the formula to separate the forename and surname.

– The Excel Text function has been used to convert the date value in cell C2 into a string, using the date format “mm/dd/yy”. If the date was not converted in this way, the date part of the returned string would be displayed as the date’s underlying value, which is the number 31810.


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