Search() function

The SEARCH function in Excel is very similar to FIND in that it also returns the location of a substring in a text string. Unlike FIND, the SEARCH function is case-insensitive and it allows using the wildcard characters.


The syntax for the SEARCH function in Microsoft Excel is:

=SEARCH( substring, string, [start_position] )

Parameters or Arguments


The substring that you want to find.


The string to search within.


Optional. It is the position in string where the search will start. The first position is 1.

Search Function Examples

Column B of the following spreadsheet shows examples of the Excel Search function, used to search for various characters within the text string “Original Text”.



Note that, in the above examples:

  • As the Search function is not case sensitive, the upper- and lower-case search_text values, “T” and “t”, return the same result (see cells B1 & B2).
  • In the example in cell B4, the [start_num] argument is set to 4. Therefore the search begins at the fourth character of the within_text string and so returns the second occurrence of the character “i”.


  • If the SEARCH function does not find a match, it will return a #VALUE! error.
  • SEARCH returns the position of the first character of find_text inside within_text.
  • Unlike FIND, SEARCH allows the use of wildcards, and is not case-sensitive.
  • SEARCH allows the wildcard characters question mark (?) and asterisk (*), in find_text.
  • The ? matches any single character and the * matches any sequence of characters.
  • To find a literal ? or *, use a tilde (~) before the character, i.e. ~* and ~?.

Common Error


Occurs if either:

  • The supplied search_text is not found in the supplied within_text string;
  • The supplied [start_num] is less than zero or is greater than the length of the supplied within_text string.

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