Right() function

The Excel RIGHT function extracts a given number of characters from the right side of a supplied text string. Syntax The syntax for the RIGHT function in Microsoft Excel is: RIGHT( text, [num_chars] ) Parameters or Arguments text The string […]

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Sumproduct() Function

The Excel Sumproduct function returns the sum of the products of corresponding ranges or arrays. But this function is capable of much more than its definition.   Syntax The syntax for the Sumproduct function in Microsoft Excel is: SUMPRODUCT( array1, […]

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Sumsq() Function

The Excel Sumsq function returns the sum of squares of a supplied set of values. Syntax The syntax for the SUMSQ function in Microsoft Excel is: =SUMSQ( value1, [value2, … value_n] ) Parameters or Arguments value1, value2, … value_n A […]

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Sumifs() Function

SUMIFS is a function to sum cells that meet multiple criteria. SUMIFS can be used to sum values when adjacent cells meet criteria based on dates, numbers, and text. SUMIFS supports logical operators (>,<,<>,=) and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching. […]

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Sumif() Function

SUMIF is a function to sum cells that meet a single criteria. SUMIF can be used to sum cells based on dates, numbers, and text that match specific criteria. SUMIF supports logical operators (>,<,<>,=) and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching. […]

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