Roman() Function

The Excel ROMAN function converts an Arabic number to Roman. I.e. for a supplied integer, the function returns a text string depicting the roman numeral form of the number.


The syntax for the ROMAN function in Microsoft Excel is:

=ROMAN( number, type )

Parameters or Arguments


The number that you wish to convert to roman numeral.


Optional. It is the type of roman numeral that you wish to convert to. If type is omitted, the ROMAN function will assume a type of 0. It can be any of the following values:

Roman Function Examples

In the following spreadsheet, the Excel Roman function is used to convert the number 1999 to different forms of Roman numerals.




  • If a negative number is entered as the number parameter, the ROMAN function will return the #VALUE! error.
  • If a number greater than 3999 is entered as the number parameter, the ROMAN function will return the #VALUE! error.
  • If any of the arguments are input as decimal values, they are truncated to integers.