Arabic() Function

The Excel Arabic function converts a Roman numeral into an Arabic numeral.


The syntax for the Arabic function in Microsoft Excel is:

=ARABIC( text )

Parameters or Arguments


Required. A string enclosed in quotation marks, an empty string (“”), or a reference to a cell containing text.


Excel Arabic Function Examples

The spreadsheet below shows five examples of the Excel Arabic Function.




  • The Arabic function was only introduced in Excel 2013 and so is not available in earlier versions of Excel.
  • If supplied directly to the function, the text argument must be encased in quotation marks;
  • If an empty text string is supplied, the Arabic function returns the value 0;
  • If “text” contains numbers, then #VALUE is returned.
  • If “text” contains dates, then #VALUE is returned.
  • If “text” contains text that is not valid roman numerals, then #VALUE is returned.
  • The “text” has a maximum length of 255 characters.
  • Any leading or trailing spaces are ignored.