The Excel NETWORKDAYS.INTL function calculates the number of working days between two dates. NETWORKDAYS.INTL excludes Saturday and Sunday by default, but provides a way to specify which days of the week are considered weekends.  The function can optionally exclude a list of holidays supplied as dates.


             The syntax for the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function in Microsoft Excel is:

=NETWORKDAYS.INTL( start_date, end_date, [weekend], [holidays] )

Parameters or Arguments


              The start date to use in the calculation. It must be entered using the DATE function.


             The end date to use in the calculation. It must be entered using the DATE function.


              Optional. It is the days of the week to include as weekend days. If this parameter is omitted, it will assume that weekends include Saturday and Sunday. The weekend parameter can be one of the following numeric or string values:


             Optional. It is the list of holidays to exclude from the work days calculation. It can be entered either as a range of cells that contain the holiday dates (ie: E2:E4) or as a list of serial numbers that represent the holiday dates.

Networkdays.Intl Function Examples

The spreadsheets below show three examples of the Excel Networkdays.Intl function used to calculate the number of work days between the two dates Dec 01, 2015 and Jan 15, 2016. In each case, the days to be counted as weekends and holidays are different.



Note that, in the above spreadsheets:

►   The [holidays] array has been omitted from the calculation in cell A8. Therefore, this result excludes Saturdays and Sundays but includes all other weekdays, including the holidays at Christmas and New Year.

►   In cell A9 of the example spreadsheet, the [weekend] argument is 1 (specifying weekends on Saturdays and Sundays) and the [holidays] array (in cells B3-B5) is provided to the Networkdays.Intl function. Therefore, the calculation excludes Saturdays and Sundays and the listed Christmas and New Year holidays.

►   In the example in cell A10, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are specified as weekends, but no holiday array has been supplied to the function. Therefore, the calculation excludes Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays but includes all other weekdays, including the holidays at Christmas and New Year.

Note also that, as recommended by Microsoft, in all three calls to the Networkdays.Intl function, the start_date, end_date, and [holidays] arguments have been supplied as cell references.