FV() Function

The Excel FV function is a financial function that returns the future value of an investment. You can use the FV function to get the future value of an investment assuming periodic, constant payments with a constant interest rate. Syntax […]

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PMT() Function

The PMT function returns a payment amount, so you can use it to: Calculate the monthly payment due on a personal loan Calculate the payment due for a Canadian mortgage loan, with interest compounded bi-annually Syntax The syntax for the […]

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PV() Function

The Excel PV function is a financial function that returns the present value of an investment. You can use the PV function to get the value in today’s dollars of a series of future payments, assuming periodic, constant payments and […]

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Merge Cells

Merging cells is often used when a title is to be centered over a particular section of a spreadsheet. When a group of cells is merged, only the text in the upper-leftmost box is preserved.   Types of Merge cells […]

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Cell() Function

The Excel Cell function returns information about a cell in a worksheet. The type of information to be returned is specified as info_type. CELL can get things like address and filename, as well as detailed info about the formatting used […]

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IfError() Function

The Excel IFERROR function returns a custom result when a formula generates an error, and a standard result when no error is detected. IFERROR is an elegant way to trap and manage errors without using more complicated nested IF statements. […]

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And() Function

The AND function is a logical function used to require more than one condition at the same time. AND returns either TRUE or FALSE. To test if a number in A1 is greater than zero and less than 10, use […]

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OR Function

The OR function is a logical function to test multiple conditions at the same time. OR returns either TRUE or FALSE. For example, to test A1 for either “x” or “y”, use =OR(A1=”x”,A1=”y”). The OR function can be used as […]

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           Cell reference is nothing but referring to the position of a cell which is available in the same sheet or different sheet or even different workbook.            In Excel, each row […]

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